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» Listings for November 2015

  1. We are pleased to be able to release our new 'Blackwork Rose' kit today on Black(work) Friday! Taught for a class in Denver, Colorado, this beautiful shaded rose project is now available to purchase as a kit.

    blackwork rose detail edged

    PLUS! Today and all weekend, we are discounting prices on our blackwork kits, so get yours now! We have three levels so why not start with the Blackwork Bee, progress onto the Rose then test your new found skills on the Tiger Tiger project! Click here for more info and prices

  2. Well it's been a busy few months involving some very exciting classes!

    October saw a week teaching in the beautiful location of Denver Botanic Gardens in Colarado where we learnt the intricacies of blackwork shading with this Rose design (kit available soon on the website!) and in this stunning classroom!

    blackwork rose detail edged   dscn6044

    Then it was on to Los Angeles for a weeks retreat with Forever Embroidery Studio onboard the RMS Queen Mary now permanently docked in Long Beach:


    This ship still boasts many of it's original art deco features and is a real inspiration for embroiderers! We ran lots of classes from 1 to 4 days long and had fun using the ship to inspire designs:

    dscn6433    dscn6388

    It was back home to prepare for my class at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in conjunction with the 'Fabric of India' exhibition. We learnt how to work shisha mirrors along with some specific Indian embroidery stitches to make little Bushkiri bags:

      v&a   bushkiri bags 2

    We have just finished filming some more videos for our YouTube channel so look out for French knots and Colonial knot videos coming this week! You can see our current videos on the 'how to...' video page here

    'Bejewelled' - a new beetle wing kit is now available from the shop; learn the rare and ancient craft of sewing with beetle wing casings in this stunning mandala design. For more information and to get yours, visit the shop here


    Beetle wing embroidery


    The distance learning class is going very well, well done to all of you on the beautiful work done so far. We will have some finishers soon I think! There are still places available so if you are interested all of the information can be found here

    lsm final 1

    Don't forget, you can keep up with everything that is happening as it happens on my Facebook page here!