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Well term has finished once again (doesn't the year go quickly?) and there has been some fantastic pieces of work. But don't take my word for it, go along and have a look for yourself! Certificate and Diploma students work will be on display in the studios of the Royal School of Needlework, at Hampton Court Palace. Admission is free (enter through the East Front Gardens). For dates and opening times visit my events page here.

Alice box detail

Alice in Wonderland box, detail. By Kei Shinano

I have taught this course at Hampton Court Palace since 2006 and have had a great time, but things must move on and it's time to leave the mothership! I'm now off to start up the classes in Rugby alongside Nicola Jarvis, so I hope to see some of you in the Midlands this September. We also have a stand at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham (more details on the 'Events' page) where we hope to entice more unsuspecting future embroiderers! If you are in the area come and say hello (Stand I24)

I just want to thank all my students for a great year, it's been a pleasure. I may be the one standing at the front of the class, but it's a two way dialogue: the environment is very inspiring and I have lots of ideas I want to try too! Watch this space...

Basket of goodies

Basket of end of term goodies!