- Prick and Pounce design transfer set
- Prick and Pounce design transfer set
- Prick and Pounce design transfer set
- Prick and Pounce design transfer set
Prick and Pounce design transfer set
- Transfer your designs accurately with this set
- £21.00
Shop - main page > Embroidery Equipment
Prick and pounce is a traditional method of accurately transferring a design. It is suitable for all materials, even velvet and heavier weight dark coloured materials.
The method involves pushing the pounce powder through small holes made in your desgin with a pricker onto the surface of your fabric. You then join up the dots of powder with paint or a pencil to create your design. The beauty of this technique is you can make sure you design is in exactly the right place before you paint. If not, simply brush off the pounce and start again!
This set contains:
Black, grey and white pounce powder in their own individual re-usable pots (20ml of pounce powder in each)
Pounce pad made from soft fabric
Full instructions on the method
The kit also comes with a free embroidery design with pricking holes marked on it to start you off! Packs of tracing paper are available separately for you to prick and pounce your own designs.This is the most comprehensive prick and pounce set you will find on the internet!